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Sparc Workforce Training

Sparc Workforce Training

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Please note that this round of training is available only to workforce based within, or supporting individuals living in Conwy County

Sparc is a North Wales based. project. We work with adults with learning disabilities, their parents and the people who work with them. Sparc provide training sessions on friendships, relationships and sex so that adults with learning disabilities become more confident with dating and relationships.

This training day for North Wales workforce is based on our experience so far in delivering this work, and what we have been told by the learning disability and/or autistic communities about how they would prefer to be supported

Become a workplace champion in supporting the rights and opportunities for adults with learning disabilities and or autism to have happy and healthy friendships, romantic relationships and sex.

This workshop is free of charge for practitioners within or supporting individuals living in CONWY COUNTY, funded by the North Wales Transformation Project for Seamless Services and UK Government Levelling Up Fund

We invite enthusiastic representatives from workplaces across the region to join take part in this one day event focused on exploring and removing barriers faced by adults with learning disabilities and autism in forming and maintaining positive friendships and romantic relationships.

During the course of the day participants will

  • Explore the benefits of healthy and fulfilling friendships, relationships and sex
  • Identify barriers to the above, presented both by wider societal structure and within their workplace settings
  • Consider law and legislation outlining individuals rights to relationships and private life
  • Explored best practice in facilitating and supporting relationships and friendships
  • Have the opportunity to create a bespoke action plan to share information and support colleagues within their workplace setting

Terms & conditions:

Due to limited capacity we are offering this free training to a maximum of two representatives from each workplace or setting. If more than two staff from a workplace wish to book on please email to be added to the reserve list. We will contact you if a place becomes available.

As part of the conditions of attendance you will be asked to share the learning gained on this course with your workplace and colleagues.

Although this course is free of charge we will charge late cancellation administration fees as follows: No notification of non-attendance - £50, less than 48 hours notice of non-attendance £30, Less than 1 weeks notice of non-attendance £25. By registering on the course you agree to these charges on late cancellation or failure to attend.

Prosiect yng Ngogledd Cymru yw Sparc. Mae'n gweithio gydag oedolion ag anableddau dysgu, eu rhieni a'r bobl sy'n gweithio gyda nhw. Mae Sparc yn ddarparu sesiynau hyfforddi ar gyfeillgarwch, perthnasoedd a rhyw fel bod oedolion ag anableddau dysgu yn dod yn fwy hyderus gyda pherthnasoedd ac wrth ddêtio.

Beth am ddod yn hyrwyddwr yn y gweithle er mwyn cefnogi hawliau a chyfleoedd i oedolion ag anableddau dysgu a/neu awtistiaeth i gael cyfeillgarwch hapus ac iach, perthnasoedd rhamantus a rhyw.

Mae’r gweithdy hwn yn rhad ac am ddim i ymarferwyr yn SIR GONWY, ac wedi ei ariannu gan Brosiect Gwasanaethau Di-dor Gogledd Cymru.

Rydym yn estyn gwahoddiad i gynrychiolwyr brwdfrydig o weithleoedd drwy’r ardal i gymryd rhan yn ystod y diwrnod hwn sy’n canolbwyntio ar archwilio a chael gwared o’r rhwystrau sy’n wynebu oedolion ag anableddau dysgu ac awtistiaeth wrth iddynt lunio a chynnal cyfeillgarwch positif a pherthnasoedd rhamantus.

Yn ystod y diwrnod bydd y rhai sy’n cymryd rhan yn cael cyfle i

  • Archwilio manteision cyfeillgarwch, perthnasoedd a rhyw iach a bodlon
  • Canfod yr elfennau sy’n rhwystro’r uchod, ac sy’n codi o ganlyniad i strwythur cymdeithasol ehangach a sefyllfaoedd o fewn y gweithle
  • Ystyried y gyfraith a’r ddeddfwriaeth sy’n amlinellu hawliau’r unigolyn i berthnasoedd a bywyd preifat
  • Archwilio ymarfer gorau wrth hwyluso a chefnogi perthnasoedd a chyfeillgarwch
  • Cael y cyfle i greu cynllun gweithredu pwrpasol i rannu gwybodaeth a chefnogi cydweithwyr o fewn eu gweithle

Telerau ac amodau:

Gan fod lleoedd yn gyfyngedig rydym yn cynnig yr hyfforddiant rhad ac am ddim hwn, i ddau gynrychiolydd yn unig o bob gweithle neu leoliad gwaith.

Fel rhan o’r amodau mynychu gofynnir ichi rannu’r hyn a ddysgwyd gennych ar y cwrs â’ch gweithle a’ch cydweithwyr.

Er bod y cwrs hwn yn rhad ac am ddim byddwn yn codi ffi weinyddol os bydd lleoedd yn cael eu canslo’n hwyr, fel a ganlyn: Peidio â rhoi gwybod na fyddwch yn mynychu- £50, Llai na 48 awr o rybudd na fyddwch yn mynychu £30, Llai na 1 wythnos o rybudd na fyddwch yn mynychu £25. Drwy gofrestru ar y cwrs byddwch yn cytuno â’r costau hyn am ganslo hwyr neu beidio â mynychu.


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About The Provider

Cwmni Addysg Rhyw - Sex Education Company is a relationships and sex education social enterprise based in North Wales.

Read more about Cwmni Addysg Rhyw - Sex Education Company


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